Vibrational spectra in v1.99

Sorry to keep bugging with this… The latest nightly build (15-10-24), which included support for frequencies in MOLDEN format, now refuses to read the regular QChem frequencies when I start the app from Finder. (Yes, it reads MOLDEN when app is started from Finder.) For some reason, when I open Avogadro from the terminal, it is able to read both MOLDEN and QChem frequencies with no problem.

So, I am happy with being able to now being able to visualize my frequencies with Avogadro but figured I’d document this in case you’d like to fix it / another user runs into a similar situation.

Thanks for your help with this!

Let me get this straight. If you launch the app and then open a Q-Chem output file, the frequencies don’t read. But if you launch from the terminal, you can read the Q-Chem frequencies?

If so, could you please send me the terminal output when you launch that way?

It sounds like an issue with the embedded Open Babel in that build.

Correct. I’ll send them in about an hour.

1 Like

This is the output when I open Avogadro from terminal and read the QChem output file. It opens the file just fine and reads the frequencies and intensities.

laptop:~ juanes$ avogadro
Error: Failed to open library "/Library/Frameworks/3DconnexionNavlib.framework/3DconnexionNavlib"! Error: dlopen(/Library/Frameworks/3DconnexionNavlib.framework/3DconnexionNavlib, 0x0005): tried: '/Library/Frameworks/3DconnexionNavlib.framework/3DconnexionNavlib' (no such file), '/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/OS/Library/Frameworks/3DconnexionNavlib.framework/3DconnexionNavlib' (no such file), '/Library/Frameworks/3DconnexionNavlib.framework/3DconnexionNavlib' (no such file)!
Using locale:  "en_US"
Execution of PAC script at "http%3A%2F%2Fwpad%2Fwpad.dat" failed: The operation couldn’t be completed. (NSURLErrorDomain error -1002.)
Extension plugins dynamically found… 49
OBProcess::executeObabel: Running "/Applications/" "-L formats read"
OBProcess::executeObabel: Running "/Applications/" "-L formats write"
OBProcess::executeObabel: Running "/Applications/" "-L forcefields"
OBProcess::executeObabel: Running "/Applications/" "-L charges"
OBProcess::executeObabel: Running "/Applications/" "-V"
"/Applications/"  found:  "/Applications/ Open Babel 3.1.1 -- Oct 15 2024 -- 17:39:45"
"Checking for energy scripts in path /Users/jearias/Library/Application Support/OpenChemistry/Avogadro/energy"
"Checking for energy scripts in path /Library/Application Support/OpenChemistry/Avogadro/energy"
"Checking for energy scripts in path /Applications/"
"Checking for energy scripts in path /Applications/"
"Cannot load script /Applications/"
"Cannot load script /Applications/"
"Cannot load script /Applications/"
"Cannot load script /Applications/"
 registering GPL plugins
OBEnergy: method:  MMFF94
OBEnergy: method:  UFF
OBEnergy: method:  GAFF
"Checking for commands scripts in path /Users/jearias/Library/Application Support/OpenChemistry/Avogadro/commands"
"Checking for commands scripts in path /Library/Application Support/OpenChemistry/Avogadro/commands"
"Checking for commands scripts in path /Applications/"
"Checking for commands scripts in path /Applications/"
"Checking for inputGenerators scripts in path /Users/jearias/Library/Application Support/OpenChemistry/Avogadro/inputGenerators"
"Checking for inputGenerators scripts in path /Library/Application Support/OpenChemistry/Avogadro/inputGenerators"
"Checking for inputGenerators scripts in path /Applications/"
"Checking for inputGenerators scripts in path /Applications/"
"Checking for charges scripts in path /Users/jearias/Library/Application Support/OpenChemistry/Avogadro/charges"
"Checking for charges scripts in path /Library/Application Support/OpenChemistry/Avogadro/charges"
"Checking for charges scripts in path /Applications/"
"Checking for charges scripts in path /Applications/"
"Cannot load script /Applications/"
"Cannot load script /Applications/"
"Checking for formatScripts scripts in path /Users/jearias/Library/Application Support/OpenChemistry/Avogadro/formatScripts"
"Checking for formatScripts scripts in path /Library/Application Support/OpenChemistry/Avogadro/formatScripts"
"Checking for formatScripts scripts in path /Applications/"
"Checking for formatScripts scripts in path /Applications/"
qt.qpa.fonts: Populating font family aliases took 125 ms. Replace uses of missing font family "Inter" with one that exists to avoid this cost. 
OBEnergy: method:  MMFF94
2024-10-16 15:20:51.877 Avogadro2[47810:2081825] WARNING: Secure coding is automatically enabled for restorable state! However, not on all supported macOS versions of this application. Opt-in to secure coding explicitly by implementing NSApplicationDelegate.applicationSupportsSecureRestorableState:.
Setting default format to  cjson
Open Babel formats ready:  146
OBProcess::executeObabel: Running "/Applications/" "-ilog /Users/jearias/Desktop/Cofin/CO2/CO2_Freq_QChem.out -ocjson"

Not too sure how I can generate the analogous log when launching Avogadro “normally”. It is able to read the file but not the frequencies.

Do you have another copy of Open Babel installed?

The recent builds use an not-yet-released beta version of Open Babel with CJSON support. If Avogadro can’t find CJSON support, it falls back to CML which doesn’t have vibrations.

One quick workaround is to install cclib in your environment and the cclib Avogadro plugin as mentioned above.

Avogadro should try cclib over Open Babel if the plugin is installed.

If you don’t have obabel installed in your path, I don’t know. I’ll have to think how you can get the console log when you launch from the Finder.

Here’s how to get the console log on Mac.

Launch the (Applications / Utilities)

When it launches, you can enter a filter in the box in the upper right corner “avogadro”

  • Click the Any drop-down menu and pick “Process” so you only see messages from Avogadro.
  • Click the Start button on the toolbar – this will start logging messages.
  • Launch Avogadro
  • Once it’s launched, you can select all the messages and copy / paste as text (unfortunately, I don’t see a good way to save as a text file)

Here is the output after following your steps. Only the output for process “Avogadro2” (there are other outputs from kernel and other things - happy to provide them if they are useful).

default	16:40:37.936701-0600	Avogadro2	[0x6000021cc000] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default	16:40:37.936769-0600	Avogadro2	[0x6000021cc0f0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default	16:40:37.957206-0600	Avogadro2	[0x6000021c8e10] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default	16:40:37.958466-0600	Avogadro2	No persisted cache on this platform.
default	16:40:37.959743-0600	Avogadro2	[0x6000021c8f00] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default	16:40:37.967324-0600	Avogadro2	[0x6000021c8f00] invalidated after the last release of the connection object
default	16:40:37.967540-0600	Avogadro2	server port 0x00002e0f, session port 0x00002e0f
default	16:40:37.978126-0600	Avogadro2	[0x6000021c00f0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default	16:40:37.978660-0600	Avogadro2	[0x6000021c4c30] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default	16:40:37.980184-0600	Avogadro2	New connection 0x95513 main
default	16:40:37.980186-0600	Avogadro2	Received configuration update from daemon (initial)
default	16:40:37.980309-0600	Avogadro2	Current system appearance, (HLTB: 2), (SLS: 1)
default	16:40:37.980593-0600	Avogadro2	Current system appearance, (HLTB: 2), (SLS: 1)
default	16:40:37.981003-0600	Avogadro2	Post-registration system appearance: (HLTB: 2)
default	16:40:37.981331-0600	Avogadro2	[0x6000021cc3c0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default	16:40:37.986171-0600	Avogadro2	[0x7fc9a6704080] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default	16:40:38.000349-0600	Avogadro2	CHECKIN: pid=49779
default	16:40:38.007200-0600	Avogadro2	CHECKEDIN: pid=49779 asn=0x0-0x1b2ab29 foreground=1
default	16:40:38.007455-0600	Avogadro2	[0x7fc9a700a430] activating connection: mach=false listener=true peer=false name=(anonymous)
default	16:40:38.007467-0600	Avogadro2	[0x7fc9a700a430] Channel could not return listener port.
default	16:40:38.008085-0600	Avogadro2	[0x7fc9a71291f0] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=true[353].0x7fc9a71291f0
default	16:40:38.010354-0600	Avogadro2	FRONTLOGGING: version 1
default	16:40:38.010410-0600	Avogadro2	Registered, pid=49779 ASN=0x0,0x1b2ab29
default	16:40:38.012861-0600	Avogadro2	[0x7fc9a700a430] Channel could not return listener port.
default	16:40:38.017623-0600	Avogadro2	BringForward: pid=49779 asn=0x0-0x1b2ab29 bringForward=1 foreground=1 uiElement=0 launchedByLS=1 modifiersCount=1 allDisabled=0
default	16:40:38.018893-0600	Avogadro2	BringFrontModifier: pid=49779 asn=0x0-0x1b2ab29 Modifier 0 hideAfter=0 hideOthers=0 dontMakeFrontmost=0 mouseDown=0/0 seed=0/0
default	16:40:38.020095-0600	Avogadro2	BringForward: pid=49779 asn=0x0-0x1b2ab29
default	16:40:38.020376-0600	Avogadro2	SetFrontProcess: asn=0x0-0x1b2ab29 options=0
default	16:40:38.037547-0600	Avogadro2	[0x7fc9a700a430] Channel could not return listener port.
default	16:40:38.040947-0600	Avogadro2	[0x7fc9a700a430] Channel could not return listener port.
default	16:40:38.055350-0600	Avogadro2	[0x7fc9a71369c0] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=false
default	16:40:38.060211-0600	Avogadro2	[0x6000022c0900] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default	16:40:38.082942-0600	Avogadro2	[0x6000021c5b30] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default	16:40:38.146779-0600	Avogadro2	networkd_settings_read_from_file initialized networkd settings by reading plist directly
default	16:40:38.146913-0600	Avogadro2	networkd_settings_read_from_file initialized networkd settings by reading plist directly
default	16:40:38.147485-0600	Avogadro2	TrustSettingsUseXPC is enabled (via feature flags)
default	16:40:38.147531-0600	Avogadro2	Enabling System Keychain Always due to platform
default	16:40:38.147640-0600	Avogadro2	[0x6000021d4000] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default	16:40:38.154560-0600	Avogadro2	Recording an MDS plugin: /System/Library/Security/ldapdl.bundle {87191ca6-0fc9-11d4-849a-000502b52122}
default	16:40:38.155035-0600	Avogadro2	Recording an MDS plugin: /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework {87191ca0-0fc9-11d4-849a-000502b52122}
default	16:40:38.414680-0600	Avogadro2	[0x6000021c03c0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default	16:40:38.414767-0600	Avogadro2	Sending CFNA PAC query
default	16:40:38.416110-0600	Avogadro2	Received CFNA PAC response
default	16:40:38.417102-0600	Avogadro2	Execution of PAC script at "http%3A%2F%2Fwpad%2Fwpad.dat" failed: The operation couldn’t be completed. (NSURLErrorDomain error -1002.)
default	16:40:38.422235-0600	Avogadro2	nw_path_libinfo_path_check [79A11C69-E311-478B-A26C-3376805861C0 Hostname#cfbfb974:0 tcp, legacy-socket, attribution: developer]
	libinfo check path: satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: utun4, ipv4, ipv6, dns, proxy
default	16:40:38.448398-0600	Avogadro2	nw_path_evaluator_start [18085F48-A61A-4C3B-A466-26ACEF3922B8 IPv4#f0e9b34c:0 generic, local:, attribution: developer]
	path: satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: utun4, scoped, ipv4, ipv6, dns, proxy
default	16:40:38.528491-0600	Avogadro2	"Cannot load script /Applications/"
default	16:40:38.587466-0600	Avogadro2	"Cannot load script /Applications/"
default	16:40:38.638111-0600	Avogadro2	"Cannot load script /Applications/"
default	16:40:38.694890-0600	Avogadro2	"Cannot load script /Applications/"
default	16:40:39.504738-0600	Avogadro2	"Cannot load script /Applications/"
default	16:40:39.558732-0600	Avogadro2	"Cannot load script /Applications/"
default	16:40:39.873055-0600	Avogadro2	Populating font family aliases took 129 ms. Replace uses of missing font family "Inter" with one that exists to avoid this cost.
default	16:40:39.910465-0600	Avogadro2	NSApp cache appearance:
-NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance: 0
-appearance: (null)
-effectiveAppearance: <NSCompositeAppearance: 0x6000030c1900
    "<NSDarkAquaAppearance: 0x6000030c1a00>",
    "<NSSystemAppearance: 0x6000030c0180>"
default	16:40:39.917201-0600	Avogadro2	[0x7fc976a35970] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default	16:40:39.923784-0600	Avogadro2	[0x6000021c5ef0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default	16:40:40.058176-0600	Avogadro2	[0x7fc976a337f0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default	16:40:40.059250-0600	Avogadro2	[0x7fc9a7247350] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default	16:40:40.065887-0600	Avogadro2	order window front conditionally: 3531 related: 0
default	16:40:40.067426-0600	Avogadro2	Registering for test daemon availability notify post.
default	16:40:40.067538-0600	Avogadro2	notify_get_state check indicated test daemon not ready.
default	16:40:40.067611-0600	Avogadro2	notify_get_state check indicated test daemon not ready.
default	16:40:40.067681-0600	Avogadro2	notify_get_state check indicated test daemon not ready.
default	16:40:40.069902-0600	Avogadro2	[0x6000021e62b0] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default	16:40:40.070538-0600	Avogadro2	[0x7fc9a700a430] Channel could not return listener port.
default	16:40:40.070934-0600	Avogadro2	SignalReady: pid=49779 asn=0x0-0x1b2ab29
default	16:40:40.071700-0600	Avogadro2	SIGNAL: pid=49779 asn=0x0x-0x1b2ab29
default	16:40:40.103971-0600	Avogadro2	Pixel format registry initialized. Constant classes enabled.
default	16:40:40.137511-0600	Avogadro2	[0x6000021d1860] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=false
default	16:40:40.137727-0600	Avogadro2	[0x7fc9a7218200] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=false name=(anonymous)
default	16:40:40.138155-0600	Avogadro2	[0x7fc9a7016e80] activating connection: mach=false listener=true peer=false name=(anonymous)
default	16:40:40.138164-0600	Avogadro2	[0x7fc9a7016e80] Channel could not return listener port.
default	16:40:40.138674-0600	Avogadro2	[0x6000021c5a40] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=false
default	16:40:40.138922-0600	Avogadro2	[0x6000021c5a40] invalidated after the last release of the connection object
default	16:40:40.139151-0600	Avogadro2	[0x6000021d1860] invalidated after the last release of the connection object
default	16:40:40.139520-0600	Avogadro2	Initializing connection
default	16:40:40.139560-0600	Avogadro2	Removing all cached process handles
default	16:40:40.139590-0600	Avogadro2	Sending handshake request attempt #1 to server
default	16:40:40.139601-0600	Avogadro2	Creating connection to
default	16:40:40.139612-0600	Avogadro2	[0x6000021e6d00] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default	16:40:40.140279-0600	Avogadro2	Gained inheritances: {(
    <RBSInheritance| environment:(none) origID:386-353-128148 0>
default	16:40:40.140330-0600	Avogadro2	Handshake succeeded
default	16:40:40.140347-0600	Avogadro2	Identity resolved as app<>
default	16:40:40.141942-0600	Avogadro2	[0x7fc9a7221e20] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=false name=(anonymous)
default	16:40:40.141994-0600	Avogadro2	[0x6000021d1860] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=false
default	16:40:40.142168-0600	Avogadro2	[0x7fc976a43d10] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=false name=(anonymous)
default	16:40:40.142241-0600	Avogadro2	[0x6000021d1860] invalidated after the last release of the connection object
default	16:40:40.161031-0600	Avogadro2	WARNING: Secure coding is automatically enabled for restorable state! However, not on all supported macOS versions of this application. Opt-in to secure coding explicitly by implementing NSApplicationDelegate.applicationSupportsSecureRestorableState:.
default	16:40:40.165026-0600	Avogadro2	[0x6000021c2490] activating connection: mach=true listener=false peer=false
default	16:40:40.165126-0600	Avogadro2	[0x6000021c2490] invalidated because the current process cancelled the connection by calling xpc_connection_cancel()
default	16:40:40.169348-0600	Avogadro2	Gained inheritances: {(
    <RBSInheritance| environment:(none) origID:386-381-128157 0>
default	16:40:40.170555-0600	Avogadro2	order window front conditionally: 3531 related: 0
default	16:40:40.170876-0600	Avogadro2	window TUINSWindow 3533 finishing close
default	16:40:40.170998-0600	Avogadro2	order window: 3533 op: 0 relative: 0 related: 0
default	16:40:40.171966-0600	Avogadro2	[0x6000021e6df0] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=false
default	16:40:40.172194-0600	Avogadro2	[0x6000021e6df0] invalidated after the last release of the connection object
default	16:40:40.172549-0600	Avogadro2	[0x7fc9a71421a0] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=false name=(anonymous)
default	16:40:40.172590-0600	Avogadro2	[0x7fc976a6fb40] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=false name=(anonymous)
default	16:40:40.172873-0600	Avogadro2	-[TUINSCursorUIController activate:]_block_invoke: Create CursorUIViewService: TUINSRemoteViewController
default	16:40:40.176242-0600	Avogadro2	void _updateToReflectAutomaticTerminationState(void) Setting _kLSApplicationWouldBeTerminatedByTALKey=0
default	16:40:40.212491-0600	Avogadro2	-[TUINSCursorUIController activate:]_block_invoke: Create CursorUIViewService: TUINSRemoteViewController
default	16:40:40.212742-0600	Avogadro2	[0x7fc976a43d10] invalidated because the current process cancelled the connection by calling xpc_connection_cancel()
default	16:40:40.212757-0600	Avogadro2	[0x7fc9a7221e20] invalidated because the current process cancelled the connection by calling xpc_connection_cancel()
fault	16:40:40.212990-0600	Avogadro2	CLIENT ERROR: TUINSRemoteViewController does not override -<private> and thus cannot react to catastrophic errors beyond logging them
default	16:40:40.278650-0600	Avogadro2	[0x6000021e1e00] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=false
default	16:40:43.978616-0600	Avogadro2	Window QNSPanel 0x7fc9769056e0 ordered front from a non-active application and may order beneath the active application's windows.
default	16:40:43.978653-0600	Avogadro2	order window front conditionally: 353c related: 0
default	16:40:44.106554-0600	Avogadro2	order window: 353c op: 0 relative: 0 related: 0
default	16:40:44.111654-0600	Avogadro2	window QNSPanel 353c finishing close
default	16:40:44.111768-0600	Avogadro2	order window: 353c op: 0 relative: 0 related: 0
error	16:40:45.225841-0600	Avogadro2	BOOL _NSPersistentUIDeleteItemAtFileURL(NSURL *const __strong) Failed to stat item: <private>
default	16:40:47.284001-0600	Avogadro2	Gained inheritances: {(
    <RBSInheritance| environment:(none) origID:386-353-128158 0>,
    <RBSInheritance| environment:(none) origID:386-353-128158 0>
default	16:40:47.284734-0600	Avogadro2	Gained inheritances: {(
    <RBSInheritance| environment:(none) origID:386-381-128159 0>
default	16:40:47.306221-0600	Avogadro2	[0x6000021e1ef0] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=false
default	16:40:47.306703-0600	Avogadro2	[0x6000021e1ef0] invalidated after the last release of the connection object
default	16:40:47.355807-0600	Avogadro2	[0x7fc9a724e590] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=false name=(anonymous)
default	16:40:47.355874-0600	Avogadro2	[0x7fc9a71488a0] activating connection: mach=false listener=false peer=false name=(anonymous)
default	16:40:47.373286-0600	Avogadro2	-[TUINSCursorUIController activate:]_block_invoke: Create CursorUIViewService: TUINSRemoteViewController
default	16:40:47.373601-0600	Avogadro2	[0x7fc976a6fb40] invalidated because the current process cancelled the connection by calling xpc_connection_cancel()
default	16:40:47.373620-0600	Avogadro2	[0x7fc9a71421a0] invalidated because the current process cancelled the connection by calling xpc_connection_cancel()
fault	16:40:47.373802-0600	Avogadro2	CLIENT ERROR: TUINSRemoteViewController does not override -<private> and thus cannot react to catastrophic errors beyond logging them
default	16:40:47.406198-0600	Avogadro2	-[TUINSCursorUIController scheduleUpdateCursorLocation]

In doing this exercise to produce this logs, I have realized that Avogadro seems to be able to read the QChem frequencies in “random launches” from Finder. I mean that some times when I open from Finder it reads fine and some times it does not.

I probably installed Open Babel independently at some point, yes.

I installed cclib via pipx install cclib. Is that all there is to it? I dont see any cclib related messages when I open Avogadro from command line.

You can confim if you run ccget --list file.out for example. That should give you a list of data that cclib can parse from the file.

There won’t be any cclib messages if you don’t have the plugin installed too.

Got it, it works. Not too sure if that version I installed with pipx was ever hooked up to Avogadro but I’m assuming the one I downloaded directly with the functionality available in Avogadro seems to work. I gave it a few tries and now it seems to open QChem frequencies without randomly not working.