Trouble with Git

I’ve worked with my clone of cryos/avogadro, forked some time ago, and now I merge mainline changes into my copy. I’ve executed the next commands:

git clone git:// #initiated fresh copy
git remote add cryos git://
git merge cryos/master

After that, I’ve compiled 1.0.1, but I thought cryos/avogadro is trunk. What should I do to obtain 1.1?


After that, I’ve compiled 1.0.1, but I thought cryos/avogadro is trunk. What should I do to obtain 1.1?

“git checkout” lets you switch between branches. Right now, there are two major branches on cryos/avogadro:

1.0 – for the 1.0.x releases
master – for the 1.1 and future releases

But I just looked at CMakeLists.txt from “master” and it seems the version numbering is incorrect. This is the trunk and I’ll put in a commit to make it “1.1.0” again.
