Subclass QColumnView

Hi everyone,

I am nearing completion of my space group dialog. You can see the current state on GitHub

The next thing I need to do is remove the final preview widget from my QColumnView. I believe I can subclass it as follows in spacegroupdialog.cpp.

class spgColumnView : public QColumnView
spgColumnView(QWidget* p) : QColumnView§ {}
QAbstractItemView * createColumn ( const QModelIndex & index )
Avogadro::QtPlugins::SpaceGroupItem *thisItem = static_castAvogadro::QtPlugins::SpaceGroupItem*(index.internalPointer());
QAbstractItemView *view = 0;
if(thisItem->childCount() == 0)
return view;
return QColumnView::createColumn(index);

I then change QColumnView to spgColumnView in spacegroupdialog.ui. When I try to build it I get the following error.

/Users/albert/Development/oc-clean/build/avogadrolibs/avogadro/qtplugins/crystal/ui_spacegroupdialog.h:26:10: fatal error: ‘spgcolumnview.h’ file not found
#include <spgcolumnview.h>

I was using the FileComboBox class, which is a subclass of QComboBox, in qtplugins/clientserver as an example. Is there something I have to do in CMake to get this to build? I tried setting SKIP_AUTOMOC to true for these source files, but it didn’t seem to work.


Have you tried using QtDesigner to add it as a promoted widget, instead of
modifying the ui file directly? I suggest that approach as there may be
some non-obvious bits of the ui file that need to change as well.

On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 10:55 AM, Defusco III, Albert A

Hi everyone,

I am nearing completion of my space group dialog. You can see the current
state on GitHub

The next thing I need to do is remove the final preview widget from my
QColumnView. I believe I can subclass it as follows in spacegroupdialog.cpp.

class spgColumnView : public QColumnView
spgColumnView(QWidget* p) : QColumnView§ {}
QAbstractItemView * createColumn ( const QModelIndex & index )
Avogadro::QtPlugins::SpaceGroupItem *thisItem =
QAbstractItemView *view = 0;
if(thisItem->childCount() == 0)
return view;
return QColumnView::createColumn(index);

I then change QColumnView to spgColumnView in spacegroupdialog.ui. When I
try to build it I get the following error.

fatal error: ‘spgcolumnview.h’ file not found
#include <spgcolumnview.h>

I was using the FileComboBox class, which is a subclass of QComboBox, in
qtplugins/clientserver as an example. Is there something I have to do in
CMake to get this to build? I tried setting SKIP_AUTOMOC to true for these
source files, but it didn’t seem to work.


Avogadro-devel mailing list

On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 10:55 AM, Defusco III, Albert A wrote:

Hi everyone,

I am nearing completion of my space group dialog. You can see the current state on GitHub

GitHub - AlbertDeFusco/avogadrolibs at spg-rw

The next thing I need to do is remove the final preview widget from my QColumnView. I believe I can subclass it as follows in spacegroupdialog.cpp.

class spgColumnView : public QColumnView
spgColumnView(QWidget* p) : QColumnView(p) {}
QAbstractItemView * createColumn ( const QModelIndex & index )
Avogadro::QtPlugins::SpaceGroupItem *thisItem = static_castAvogadro::QtPlugins::SpaceGroupItem*(index.internalPointer());
QAbstractItemView *view = 0;
if(thisItem->childCount() == 0)
return view;
return QColumnView::createColumn(index);

I then change QColumnView to spgColumnView in spacegroupdialog.ui. When I try to build it I get the following error.

/Users/albert/Development/oc-clean/build/avogadrolibs/avogadro/qtplugins/crystal/ui_spacegroupdialog.h:26:10: fatal error: ‘spgcolumnview.h’ file not found
#include <spgcolumnview.h>
It looks like you are using the wrong include, should be “” as this is
a local header, not <> for system headers. The compiler will then
search the same directory automatically, as it knows that is the most
likely/default location.

I was using the FileComboBox class, which is a subclass of QComboBox, in qtplugins/clientserver as an example. Is there something I have to do in CMake to get this to build? I tried setting SKIP_AUTOMOC to true for these source files, but it didn’t seem to work.

You don’t want to skip automoc.


Dave and Marcus,

Thanks for your help. I needed to set the correct .h file in the promoted widget using QtCreator. I also needed to add include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) to my CMakeLists.txt for the space group dialog.
