Multiple styles in one system

Dear Avogadro list,
Is it possible to miix representation styles in one system?
Let’s say I want my metallic center to be represented as a sphere and my
coordinated ligands as wireframes?
​Is there a way to show coordinated bonds as dashes/dots?

Thank you in advance.​

Henrique C. S. Junior
Químico Industrial - UFRRJ
Mestrando em Química Inorgânica - UFRRJ
Centro de Processamento de Dados - PMP

Let’s say I want my metallic center to be represented as a sphere and my coordinated ligands as wireframes?​

Yes, this is possible. Take a look at the manual:

Is there a way to show coordinated bonds as dashes/dots?

No, not at the moment.

Hope that helps,

Prof. Geoffrey Hutchison
Department of Chemistry
University of Pittsburgh
tel: (412) 648-0492