Molecule rotation is creating problems

Hello all,
I installed Avogadro in windows10 (my laptop has a 4GB Radeon graphics card and 8GB RAM) from the following link “”.
When i tried to draw an amino acid say, alanine and tried to rotate the molecule i am getting this kind of rotation as image attached.


Why is it happening like this…??

May i know how can i resolve this issue.??

Any suggestions are highly appreciated.

Thank you.

Hlo… Can anybody help in resolving this issue kindly…??

I tried unistalling and again reinstalling…and also installed from the webiste link “” also…But the problem still persists…

What is the problem…?? How can i rectifiy this…??

Any suggestions are highly appreciated.

Thank you.

It’s a Windows driver issue. It’s hard to debug on our end - since the OpenGL rendering works fine on most Windows machines, and as far as we can tell, all Macs and Linux.

While it’s not as feature complete, you may wish to try a beta of Avo2:

(A new release should be coming fairly soon.)

Thank you for the valuable inputs @ghutchis. I have downloaded the beta version (Avo2) and now working on it.

But here I am facing few problems like…

  • Unable to save the drawn molecule in image formats (jpeg or png), and
  • Unable to optimize the structure of a drawn molecule (in the previous Avogadro ie., Avogadro-1.2.0n-win32.exe, to optimize the drawn structure it was cntrl+alt+O, but in beta version there is no such options).

How to overcome or resolve these issues…?

And one more thing…u have replied to my post on the same day (ie., on 2nd june), but i got the mail today stating about ur reply and hence my delayed reply. My sincere apologies for the late reply…But why is this mail got delayed…?? I even checked on this page post too but had no updates on that day…Any insights on this…??

Any suggestions…

Thank you.

The server running this forum was upgraded and there was a several-day hiccup in mail notifications.

  1. While the menus are slightly different, there’s still a File => Export => Graphics menu item for saving jpg or png.
  2. There’s still an optimize command. Avogadro v2 is more plugin-based … it will soon allow optimization with a wide variety of programs. For now, what you want is under Extensions => Open Babel => Optimize. (In Avogadro v1, the optimization was done with Open Babel … it’s just more explicit in v2 because other programs will offer optimization)

IIRC the shortcut key for optimize geometry should still be the same. :grinning:

hope that helps