I believe this to be a bug with Avogadro
Environment Information
Avogadro version:1.100.0
Operating system and version:
MacOS 15.3
Expected Behavior
Open .out files from Gaussian calculation to view and manipulate model, and animate normal modes.
Actual Behavior
Molecular model from Gaussian .out files will “disappear” (the model seems to fade into the background with a largely opaque black foreground) upon manipulation (e.g. rotate, translate, animate normal mode). Can click away to another molecule and click back and the model is now visible. However, again trying to manipulate model causes it to disappear. Also, with the Gaussian .out molecule active, clicking on any other molecule will also cause that model to disappear. The second model will reappear after clicking in the main window and behave normally in terms of visibility.
Steps to Reproduce
Open .out file. Click to rotate model (or right-click to drag or animate normal mode). Open second molecule. Click on .out file molecule then click on second molecule.
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