Import problem - English (United Kingdom) (en_GB) - avogadro in Avogadro trunk

Hello Avogadro Team,

On 2009-05-21 19:00+0000 (12 days 22 hours 11 minutes ago), you uploaded
a file with English (United Kingdom) (en_GB) translations for avogadro
in Avogadro trunk in Launchpad.

We were unable to import your translations because you did not update
the timestamp in its header to state when you added your translations.

The last imported version of this file was dated 2009-05-26
01:00:00+00:00; the timestamp in the file you uploaded is 2009-05-18

To fix this problem, please upload the file again, but with the ‘PO-
Revision-Date’ field updated.

For your convenience, you can get the file you uploaded at:

Thank you,

The Launchpad team