How to draw tetrahedra?

Dear All,

I would like to draw SiO4 tetrahedra as it is shown in the image below, how is it possible to do it with Avogadro software.

Thank you in advance


You want to enable the Polygon display type:

First of all thank you for your answer, but the function “Polygon” does not allow to have the 4 sides of the tetrahedra, but only two (as shown in the image below). Do you know how shall I draw the 4 faces of the tetrahedra.

Tetrahedra represent the the elementary components of glasses, it would be nice to include this option in future Avogadro software updates. Because for glasses structure, we have to go through another design logciel to complete the structures obtained with Avogadro software.


I’m not sure why that’s happening, but it’s clearly a bug.