GSoC Weekly Blog Updates

Hello Everyone,

I am thrilled to be part of Google Summer of Code GSOC’ 24 program and eager to share my progress with you all. Thanks to @ghutchis. As part of my commitment to transparency and community involvement, I’ll be posting weekly updates on my project’s development journey.

Project Title: Improved Rendering with Tessellation Shaders

Blog Link: GSoC Introductory Post. My Journey as an Open Source… | by Permindersingh | May, 2024 | Medium

Goals for the Week Ahead: For the upcoming week, my goal is to ensure that fog functions properly in the PR.

I invite you all to join me on this exciting journey! Your feedback, suggestions, and support are invaluable to the success of this project. Feel free to leave comments on my weekly blog posts, ask questions, or share your thoughts. Looking forward to a productive and engaging GSoC experience together!


As I promised to upload weekly blogs, here’s the blog for week 1 of GSoC. I have successfully implemented fog as a rendering option, with just a few tasks left. After some reviews, we will be ready to merge it.

In this blog, I wrote about the challenges, how I implemented fog, and other related details. Please read it and let me know your thoughts on my progress.

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Hey everyone, my week 2 update is now live on the blog. It wasn’t as productive as the first week, mainly because some of the tasks were more challenging to tackle. I’ve detailed the challenges I faced and the solutions I plan to implement. If anyone is interested in offering help or suggesting alternative solutions, feel free to drop a message here. I’d love to hear your thoughts and ideas. Check out the blog for more details!

Hey everyone, sorry for the delay. I know I missed the previous week blog but I have covered the part in this blog only.

Please read it and let me know if you have any suggestions for me. :wink:

Hey everyone, here’s the blog for week-5 and week-6

Le t me know, if anyone have their suggestions. :slight_smile:

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