Future Release Schedule

There’s a list of major things that users probably want before a 2.0 release:

  • basic UFF implementation
  • optimization constraints (these actually go together since they both require the same gradients)
  • auto-optimize tool

(I’m sure there will be a pile more feature updates, but IMHO that’s the last major feature I can think of.)

But the main thing people seem to want are more frequent (non bug-fix) releases.

I have some thoughts… First off, it seems like a good idea to have a January / Februrary release (e.g., 1.99) for Linux LTS packaging.

So a rough deadline might be 06-Feb (or 06.02 in dd/mm dates :wink:)

Then a fall deadline might be “mole day” in the US or 10/23

If we wanted to add a third release, a deadline might be e.g., 06/02 (June 2nd) with US dates.

  • 06-Feb
  • June 2
  • Oct 23

The dates are fairly well spaced, and happen to be Avogadro related. :wink:

The other side would be to add a feature freeze and “string freeze” date to ensure translators have time to update. I’d suggest at least 2 weeks before the release date, which gives time to also fix remaining bugs, tweak docs, etc.


I think this all looks pretty good. I’m curious about the UFF implementation you mentioned, what all needs to happen for that?

I’m all for more frequent releases, they take the pressure off each individual release.

Your specific schedule sounds good too, as you say, well spaced. A formal feature freeze seems sensible.

So I guess your target would be October for the 2.0 release and have a 1.101 in June?

I’d like to get 1.100 out soon. As far as future numbers? Guess it depends on how hard it is to finish and test the remaining bits. :smiley:

(In other words if 2.0 is in good shape for June, all the better)

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Oh, right, I left off a few builder bits:

  • peptide builder
  • polymer builder

(These are actually fairly similar because they build up the geometry from a z-matrix)