Fix the installation of Python on Windows

Dear Avogadro team,

I tried out today the new Avogadro 0.9 and noticed that the Windows installer now always installs
Python. But this should only be done when Python is not already installed as on my PC because this
can lead to file and permission conflicts.
As I’m the author of your Win installer I want to correct that but cannot find the recent installer
code. Here I only find my installer for 0.8.1:

Can you please point me to the actual location of the Win installer?

thanks and regards

Dear Uwe,

On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 1:36 AM, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

Dear Avogadro team,

I tried out today the new Avogadro 0.9 and noticed that the Windows installer now always installs
Python. But this should only be done when Python is not already installed as on my PC because this
can lead to file and permission conflicts.

Since all files are placed in the C:\Program Files\Avogadro directory,
there shouldn’t be any conflicts I think. Correct me if this is wrong.
However, the reason why we choose to always install the python stuff
is because the Qt4 dll’s used for linking Avogadro need to be the same
as the ones used to build PyQt4. The PyQt4 installer doesn’t come with
.lib files to link against so we can’t really use the system-wide

As I’m the author of your Win installer I want to correct that but cannot find the recent installer
code. Here I only find my installer for 0.8.1:
avogadro/scripts/installer at f5d30aa1aa82c2e706e469c0409ad6dde62850f5 · cryos/avogadro · GitHub

Can you please point me to the actual location of the Win installer?

Forgot to update it, you can now find it here:

If you want to build the installer, you can reuse the installed files
to place in the “dist” directory.


thanks and regards

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Tim Vandermeersch schrieb:

Since all files are placed in the C:\Program Files\Avogadro directory,
there shouldn’t be any conflicts I think. Correct me if this is wrong.

This should indeed work, but I was not sure what you wrote in the registry.

However, the reason why we choose to always install the python stuff
is because the Qt4 dll’s used for linking Avogadro need to be the same
as the ones used to build PyQt4. The PyQt4 installer doesn’t come with
.lib files to link against so we can’t really use the system-wide

OK, I see.

As I’m the author of your Win installer I want to correct that but cannot find the recent installer
code. Here I only find my installer for 0.8.1:
avogadro/scripts/installer at f5d30aa1aa82c2e706e469c0409ad6dde62850f5 · cryos/avogadro · GitHub

Can you please point me to the actual location of the Win installer?

Forgot to update it, you can now find it here:
update NSI installer script (windows) · timvdm/avogadro@ea6352a · GitHub

This is your personal git folder right? Shouldn’t it be in the official Avogadro github that is
linked at your webpage?

thanks and regards

On Jan 20, 2009, at 9:00 PM, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

This is your personal git folder right? Shouldn’t it be in the
official Avogadro github that is
linked at your webpage?

Git is, by nature, distributed. So Tim commits first to “his” repo.
Then it’s integrated into the “master” repository.

The whole idea is that if Marcus (cryos) disappears, people can still
keep Avo going. Case in point, he’s getting tan in Jamaica right now,
and we’re pushing forward without him. :slight_smile:


Geoffrey Hutchison wrote:

On Jan 20, 2009, at 9:00 PM, Uwe Stöhr wrote:

This is your personal git folder right? Shouldn’t it be in the
official Avogadro github that is
linked at your webpage?

Git is, by nature, distributed. So Tim commits first to “his” repo.
Then it’s integrated into the “master” repository.

The whole idea is that if Marcus (cryos) disappears, people can still
keep Avo going. Case in point, he’s getting tan in Jamaica right now,
and we’re pushing forward without him. :slight_smile:

I am learning a lot in Jamaica and getting a tan and giving some
talks :wink: I strategically made lots of people collaborators so that they
can push to the repo linked from our page too. That seems to have been
done. I will add more collaborators now…

It has been a very busy four days! I have sadly not seen much of the sun
or the beach until today! I do have lots of new ideas, had techniques
and APIs explained to me very well by Till and can’t wait to get down to
some serious coding. Also spent quite some time talking to Bill Hoffman
about CMake, CPack, CDash and Kitware…

I will be back in the freezing weather of Pittsburgh on Sunday with no
choice but to stay inside!

I am online at least until Friday morning.

Geoffrey Hutchison schrieb:

Git is, by nature, distributed. So Tim commits first to “his” repo. Then
it’s integrated into the “master” repository.

OK, but is there a web access to the master repository? I’m asking because I only found cryos’ git
repository from the Avogadro webpage. I think that the webpage should link to the master repository
that is always up to date.

(I’m a developer of LyX and we use there SVN. SVN can also be distributed, but we have webaccess for
all parts of our SVN via TRAC:
This way everybody can always access the different branches and the current master developer trunk.)

regards Uwe

OK, but is there a web access to the master repository? I’m asking
because I only found cryos’ git repository from the Avogadro
webpage. I think that the webpage should link to the master
repository that is always up to date.

At the moment, Cryos’s git repository is the “master” and it’s usually
updated within hours of other updates. So yes, there’s web access to
the master repo.

(I’m a developer of LyX and we use there SVN. SVN can also be
distributed, but we have webaccess for all parts of our SVN via TRAC:

We switched from SVN to Git recently and have generally appreciated
the improved speed and branching in Git. There’s a slightly different
workflow for Git than SVN – Git is, by nature, more distributed.
