I posted back in May about a new “template tool” for creating inorganic complexes and adding larger functional groups (e.g., click on a hydrogen atom to turn it into a t-butyl or sulfate group).
I’m working to build up a library of common ligands ranging from monodentate to hexadentate and various haptic ligands.
If you’re an inorganic or organometallic chemist, what are some common “must have” ligands?
- aqua
- ammine
- carbony
- cyano
- en
- bpy
- etc.
We also have a library of ~110 functional groups which should make it easier to build out “chunks”. Right now, we have:
- carboxylate
- amide
- ester
- nitro
- sulfonate
What do you think are the top ~10 common functional groups (eg., beyond -OH, -NH2, etc. which are already quick to add)?