Expected behaviour:
When viewing an animation in the animation tool, e.g. a trajectory file of an animation, I would expect to be able to rotate the molecular view just like in the navigation tool.
Actual behaviour:
Clicking and dragging the mouse does nothing to the molecular view. It is tedious to switch back and forth between the two tools just to change the viewing angle.
Are you saying that if the currently selected tool doesnât use click and drag for actions, click and drag will do the same as the Navigation Tool even when it is not selected? And that this is the case for all tools, not just the Animation Tool?
So can I expect the fix to be in todayâs nightly build for Windows available from two.avogadro.cc ? And at wich UTC time are the nightlies build automatically ?
BTW: Would be nice to have a lable of date and time of the build within the about dialogue to distinguish versions.