Change box size in Avogadro

Dear all,
How can we change the box size when viewing surfaces in Avogadro? In some surfaces the box size default is to small and the surfaces are cut. I am using a mac version of Avogadro.
Thanks for any help.
A. Gil Santos
Professor Auxiliar
Dep. de Química
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
2829-516 Caparica/Portugal
phone: ++ 351 21 2948358
fax: ++ 351 21 2948550

How can we change the box size when viewing surfaces in Avogadro? In some surfaces the box size default is to small and the surfaces are cut. I am using a mac version of Avogadro.

My best suggestion is to zoom out, but I understand your concern. It’s on the feature request “todo” list.

Sorry I can’t be of more help,