Bond rotation in Avogadro2

Dear expert users,

Could you please share the link on a tutorial or instruct me on how to change dihedral angles in the structures? E.g. how to mk two staggered conformations of CH2Cl-CH2OH by changing the dihedral?
I remember that it was easily doable in the old Avogadro, in Avogadro2 I struggle to find this functionality.

Sorry for dummy question and thank you very much in advance.

Yep. There’s two ways.

The first is the “bond centric” tool. Click on the central bond, then drag one of the dihedral atoms:

The second under Analysis => Properties => Torsion … you can select individual torsions and set the angle to whatever you want (click and type in the box)

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Thank you very much! It worked in a second.

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