Avogadro not running on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

I’ve recently updated my system from Ubuntu 19.10 to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. I think in the process Avogadro was automatically updated to Avogadro 2 (?). However, it wouldn’t run, so I’ve reinstalled it by apt. But it still won’t run.

Environment Information

Avogadro version: Avogadro 2
Operating system and version: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Open Babel version: 3.0.0

Expected Behavior

Avogadro runs.

Actual Behavior

Black window pops up and then there is an error message:

Locale: “pl_PL”
translation success
translation success
Extension plugins dynamically found… 22
Checking for “commands” scripts in “/home/anna/.local/share/OpenChemistry/Avogadro/commands”
Checking for “commands” scripts in “/usr/share/ubuntu/OpenChemistry/Avogadro/commands”
Checking for “commands” scripts in “/usr/local/share/OpenChemistry/Avogadro/commands”
Checking for “commands” scripts in “/usr/share/OpenChemistry/Avogadro/commands”
Checking for “commands” scripts in “/var/lib/snapd/desktop/OpenChemistry/Avogadro/commands”
Checking for “commands” scripts in “/usr/bin/…/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/avogadro2/scripts/commands”
OBProcess::executeObabel: Running “obabel” “-L formats read”
OBProcess::executeObabel: Running “obabel” “-L formats write”
OBProcess::executeObabel: Running “obabel” “-L forcefields”
OBProcess::executeObabel: Running “obabel” “-V”
“obabel” found: “obabel: Open Babel 3.0.0 – Mar 11 2020 – 11:52:36”
“Navigator” added
“Editor” added
“Selection” added
“Manipulator” added
“BondCentric” added
“MeasureTool” added
“PlayerTool” added
Segmentation fault

Steps to Reproduce

Try launching Avogadro in command line or by clicking on the icon.