Thank you for your note. I tried all of the force fields on cyclohexane
with no change in the structure.
Stephen P. Molnar, Ph.D. Life is a fuzzy
Foundation for Chemistry Stochastic and
(614)312-7528 (c)
Skype: smolnar1
-----Original Message-----
From: Marcus D. Hanwell []
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2013 10:49 AM
Cc: Avogadro-devel Devel
Subject: Re: [Avogadro-Discuss] Avogadro 2 0.7.0 Released
On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 8:25 AM, Stephen P. Molnar
I must say that, in my opinion, this release is premature. I
appreciate the comment ’ lacks features present in Avogadro 1’, but
the new version appears to be incapable of rendering benzene as a planar
molecule at this point.
Although the optimized geometry of cyclohexane approximates the less
stable boat conformer, the 1.0 version will generate the more stable
chair conformer on optimization.
I would disagree, and think that ‘release early, release often’ is a useful
mantra in closing the loop between development and use that is employed by
many open source projects (including Avogadro in the past, and now). We
worked hard to ensure you could install Avogadro 1 and 2 on the same
machine, removing any requirement to choose one or the other. Perhaps this
article will fill add some of the motivation you appear to be inquiring
When you say ‘incapable of rendering’ is this referring to the forcefield
optimization as your second point about cyclohexane is? I am not sure I see
any reason why a planar benzene would not render, but could see the
forcefield defaults giving issues. They both use the same forcefields
underneath (the ones developed by the Open Babel project), and I can look
into modifying our defaults as I had noticed version 2 generally didn’t
optimize the structures as well.
Is it possible that I am missing something in the new, more convoluted
directory and subdirectory structure of the gui?
It is, but you would have to be more specific for me to hope to answer your
question. If you are just interested in using the Avogadro application I am
not sure why this would concern you. Thank you for your feedback, if you
find Avogadro 2 unsuitable then certainly continue using 1.1 for now - we
have an update planned for that shortly too.
-----Original Message-----
From: Marcus D. Hanwell []
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 2:14 PM
To: Avogadro-devel Devel;
Subject: [Avogadro-Discuss] Avogadro 2 0.7.0 Released
We are very proud to announce the availability of Avogadro 2 0.7.0.
Avogadro 2 is a free, open source, cross-platform molecular editor
designed for flexible use in computational chemistry, molecular
modeling, bioinformatics, materials science, and related areas.
Packages are available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. The source
code source is available under the 3-clause BSD license.
Avogadro 2 is a rewrite of Avogadro, and still lacks features present
in Avogadro 1. Both packages can be installed on the same system, and
so it is possible to try the latest without losing access to the
previous version. We will be making occasional releases of Avogadro
1.x too, along with migrating functionality to Avogadro 2. We value
your feedback, and hope that you will find the improvements made in
version 2 useful.
What does Avogadro 2 do?
- We’ve tried to make the best, most intuitive “builder”
- Interfaces to many common computational packages
- Designed to help both educational users and advanced research
- Plugins that allow it to be extended and customized
- Can be extended with simple Python scripts for file IO and input
- Well defined public API, libraries and modular design
Avogadro - Browse /avogadro2/0.7.0 at
What’s new? See the Release Notes:
Avogadro2 0.7.0 -
For more information: Avogadro -
If you use Avogadro or Avogadro 2, please check out the recently
published Avogadro paper, and consider citing it:
Avogadro: an advanced semantic chemical editor, visualization, and analysis platform | Journal of Cheminformatics | Full Text
This is a community project and we couldn’t have made this release
without you. Many thanks to all the contributors to Avogadro including
those of you who submitted feedback, bug reports, and code. We
acknowledge that the development of Avogadro 2 has been funded by a US
Army SBIR with the Engineering Research Development Center under
contract (W912HZ-12-C-0005) at Kitware, Inc.
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