Avogadro 1.99.0 Unable to Calculate Energy

I believe this to be a bug with Avogadro

Environment Information

Avogadro version: 1.99.0
Operating system and version: MacOS Sonoma 14.5

Expected Behavior

Extensions → Calculate → Energy giving the formation energy of a molecule constructed

Actual Behavior

With any molecule in any force field, the energy calculation always returns 0 (and so is the force norm), regardless of geometry optimizations.

1 Like

Please try a nightly build from https://two.avogadro.cc/

Hi, I downloaded the nightly build (intel) and it’s still the same, showing MMFF94 energy = 0 for any molecule I put in.

I see there’s also a recent bug report about this:

Would you be willing to run from the Terminal.app - this will show the console messages and hopefully give me more information about what’s going on.

If you open up a Terminal, you can run Avogadro2 like this:


(This assumes you’ve installed Avogadro in your /Applications folder.)

You’ll see a whole bunch of messages like:

Using locale:  "en_US"
qt.network.ssl: Error receiving trust for a CA certificate
Extension plugins dynamically found… 49
OBProcess::executeObabel: Running "/Applications/Avogadro2.app/Contents/MacOS/obabel" "-L formats read"
OBProcess::executeObabel: Running "/Applications/Avogadro2.app/Contents/MacOS/obabel" "-L formats write"
… (etc)

Use the app - draw a molecule, etc. and then calculate the energy or optimize and copy / paste the log here.

I’d like to know why you’re not seeing any energies (but on my MacBook and other test Macs it’s working fine.)

Hi, this is what I got from the terminal: It seems that some files are not found, but I’m not entirely sure what they mean:

Error: Failed to open library “/Library/Frameworks/3DconnexionNavlib.framework/3DconnexionNavlib”! Error: dlopen(/Library/Frameworks/3DconnexionNavlib.framework/3DconnexionNavlib, 0x0005): tried: ‘/Library/Frameworks/3DconnexionNavlib.framework/3DconnexionNavlib’ (no such file), ‘/System/Volumes/Preboot/Cryptexes/OS/Library/Frameworks/3DconnexionNavlib.framework/3DconnexionNavlib’ (no such file), ‘/Library/Frameworks/3DconnexionNavlib.framework/3DconnexionNavlib’ (no such file)!

Using locale: “en_US”

Extension plugins dynamically found… 49

OBProcess::executeObabel: Running “/Applications/Avogadro2.app/Contents/MacOS/obabel” “-L formats read”

OBProcess::executeObabel: Running “/Applications/Avogadro2.app/Contents/MacOS/obabel” “-L formats write”

OBProcess::executeObabel: Running “/Applications/Avogadro2.app/Contents/MacOS/obabel” “-L forcefields”

OBProcess::executeObabel: Running “/Applications/Avogadro2.app/Contents/MacOS/obabel” “-L charges”

OBProcess::executeObabel: Running “/Applications/Avogadro2.app/Contents/MacOS/obabel” “-V”

“/Applications/Avogadro2.app/Contents/MacOS/obabel” found: “/Applications/Avogadro2.app/Contents/MacOS/obabel: Open Babel 3.1.1 – Oct 12 2024 – 00:12:51”

“Checking for energy scripts in path /Users/yuchengjin/Library/Application Support/OpenChemistry/Avogadro/energy”

“Checking for energy scripts in path /Library/Application Support/OpenChemistry/Avogadro/energy”

“Checking for energy scripts in path /Applications/Avogadro2.app/Contents/Resources/energy”

“Checking for energy scripts in path /Applications/Avogadro2.app/Contents/MacOS/…/lib/avogadro2/scripts/energy”

Python interpreter “/Users/runner/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.9/x64/bin/python3” does not exist trying “python” in your path. Please set a path to the python interpreter.

“Cannot load script /Applications/Avogadro2.app/Contents/lib/avogadro2/scripts/energy/ani2x.py”

Python interpreter “/Users/runner/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.9/x64/bin/python3” does not exist trying “python” in your path. Please set a path to the python interpreter.

“Cannot load script /Applications/Avogadro2.app/Contents/lib/avogadro2/scripts/energy/gfn1.py”

Python interpreter “/Users/runner/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.9/x64/bin/python3” does not exist trying “python” in your path. Please set a path to the python interpreter.

“Cannot load script /Applications/Avogadro2.app/Contents/lib/avogadro2/scripts/energy/gfn2.py”

Python interpreter “/Users/runner/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.9/x64/bin/python3” does not exist trying “python” in your path. Please set a path to the python interpreter.

“Cannot load script /Applications/Avogadro2.app/Contents/lib/avogadro2/scripts/energy/gfnff.py”

registering GPL plugins


*** Open Babel Error in LoadAllPlugins

Unable to find OpenBabel plugins. Try setting the BABEL_LIBDIR environment variable.


*** Open Babel Error in LoadAllPlugins

Unable to find OpenBabel plugins. Try setting the BABEL_LIBDIR environment variable.


*** Open Babel Error in LoadAllPlugins

Unable to find OpenBabel plugins. Try setting the BABEL_LIBDIR environment variable.

OBEnergy: method: MMFF94

OBEnergy: method not found: MMFF94


*** Open Babel Error in LoadAllPlugins

Unable to find OpenBabel plugins. Try setting the BABEL_LIBDIR environment variable.

forcefields is not a recognized plugin type. Those with instances of sub-types loaded are:



*** Open Babel Error in LoadAllPlugins

Unable to find OpenBabel plugins. Try setting the BABEL_LIBDIR environment variable.


*** Open Babel Error in LoadAllPlugins

Unable to find OpenBabel plugins. Try setting the BABEL_LIBDIR environment variable.


*** Open Babel Error in LoadAllPlugins

Unable to find OpenBabel plugins. Try setting the BABEL_LIBDIR environment variable.

OBEnergy: method: UFF

OBEnergy: method not found: UFF


*** Open Babel Error in LoadAllPlugins

Unable to find OpenBabel plugins. Try setting the BABEL_LIBDIR environment variable.

forcefields is not a recognized plugin type. Those with instances of sub-types loaded are:



*** Open Babel Error in LoadAllPlugins

Unable to find OpenBabel plugins. Try setting the BABEL_LIBDIR environment variable.


*** Open Babel Error in LoadAllPlugins

Unable to find OpenBabel plugins. Try setting the BABEL_LIBDIR environment variable.


*** Open Babel Error in LoadAllPlugins

Unable to find OpenBabel plugins. Try setting the BABEL_LIBDIR environment variable.

OBEnergy: method: GAFF

OBEnergy: method not found: GAFF


*** Open Babel Error in LoadAllPlugins

Unable to find OpenBabel plugins. Try setting the BABEL_LIBDIR environment variable.

forcefields is not a recognized plugin type. Those with instances of sub-types loaded are:


“Checking for commands scripts in path /Users/yuchengjin/Library/Application Support/OpenChemistry/Avogadro/commands”

“Checking for commands scripts in path /Library/Application Support/OpenChemistry/Avogadro/commands”

“Checking for commands scripts in path /Applications/Avogadro2.app/Contents/Resources/commands”

“Checking for commands scripts in path /Applications/Avogadro2.app/Contents/MacOS/…/lib/avogadro2/scripts/commands”

“Checking for inputGenerators scripts in path /Users/yuchengjin/Library/Application Support/OpenChemistry/Avogadro/inputGenerators”

“Checking for inputGenerators scripts in path /Library/Application Support/OpenChemistry/Avogadro/inputGenerators”

“Checking for inputGenerators scripts in path /Applications/Avogadro2.app/Contents/Resources/inputGenerators”

“Checking for inputGenerators scripts in path /Applications/Avogadro2.app/Contents/MacOS/…/lib/avogadro2/scripts/inputGenerators”

Python interpreter “/Users/runner/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.9/x64/bin/python3” does not exist trying “python” in your path. Please set a path to the python interpreter.

Python interpreter “/Users/runner/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.9/x64/bin/python3” does not exist trying “python” in your path. Please set a path to the python interpreter.

Python interpreter “/Users/runner/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.9/x64/bin/python3” does not exist trying “python” in your path. Please set a path to the python interpreter.

Python interpreter “/Users/runner/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.9/x64/bin/python3” does not exist trying “python” in your path. Please set a path to the python interpreter.

Python interpreter “/Users/runner/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.9/x64/bin/python3” does not exist trying “python” in your path. Please set a path to the python interpreter.

Python interpreter “/Users/runner/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.9/x64/bin/python3” does not exist trying “python” in your path. Please set a path to the python interpreter.

Python interpreter “/Users/runner/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.9/x64/bin/python3” does not exist trying “python” in your path. Please set a path to the python interpreter.

Python interpreter “/Users/runner/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.9/x64/bin/python3” does not exist trying “python” in your path. Please set a path to the python interpreter.

Python interpreter “/Users/runner/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.9/x64/bin/python3” does not exist trying “python” in your path. Please set a path to the python interpreter.

Python interpreter “/Users/runner/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.9/x64/bin/python3” does not exist trying “python” in your path. Please set a path to the python interpreter.

Python interpreter “/Users/runner/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.9/x64/bin/python3” does not exist trying “python” in your path. Please set a path to the python interpreter.

“Checking for charges scripts in path /Users/yuchengjin/Library/Application Support/OpenChemistry/Avogadro/charges”

“Checking for charges scripts in path /Library/Application Support/OpenChemistry/Avogadro/charges”

“Checking for charges scripts in path /Applications/Avogadro2.app/Contents/Resources/charges”

“Checking for charges scripts in path /Applications/Avogadro2.app/Contents/MacOS/…/lib/avogadro2/scripts/charges”

Python interpreter “/Users/runner/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.9/x64/bin/python3” does not exist trying “python” in your path. Please set a path to the python interpreter.

“Cannot load script /Applications/Avogadro2.app/Contents/lib/avogadro2/scripts/charges/antechamber.py”

Python interpreter “/Users/runner/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.9/x64/bin/python3” does not exist trying “python” in your path. Please set a path to the python interpreter.

“Cannot load script /Applications/Avogadro2.app/Contents/lib/avogadro2/scripts/charges/xtb.py”

“Checking for formatScripts scripts in path /Users/yuchengjin/Library/Application Support/OpenChemistry/Avogadro/formatScripts”

“Checking for formatScripts scripts in path /Library/Application Support/OpenChemistry/Avogadro/formatScripts”

“Checking for formatScripts scripts in path /Applications/Avogadro2.app/Contents/Resources/formatScripts”

“Checking for formatScripts scripts in path /Applications/Avogadro2.app/Contents/MacOS/…/lib/avogadro2/scripts/formatScripts”

Python interpreter “/Users/runner/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.9/x64/bin/python3” does not exist trying “python” in your path. Please set a path to the python interpreter.

Python interpreter “/Users/runner/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.9/x64/bin/python3” does not exist trying “python” in your path. Please set a path to the python interpreter.

Python interpreter “/Users/runner/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.9/x64/bin/python3” does not exist trying “python” in your path. Please set a path to the python interpreter.

qt.qpa.fonts: Populating font family aliases took 139 ms. Replace uses of missing font family “Inter” with one that exists to avoid this cost.


*** Open Babel Error in LoadAllPlugins

Unable to find OpenBabel plugins. Try setting the BABEL_LIBDIR environment variable.


*** Open Babel Error in LoadAllPlugins

Unable to find OpenBabel plugins. Try setting the BABEL_LIBDIR environment variable.


*** Open Babel Error in LoadAllPlugins

Unable to find OpenBabel plugins. Try setting the BABEL_LIBDIR environment variable.

OBEnergy: method: MMFF94

OBEnergy: method not found: MMFF94


*** Open Babel Error in LoadAllPlugins

Unable to find OpenBabel plugins. Try setting the BABEL_LIBDIR environment variable.

forcefields is not a recognized plugin type. Those with instances of sub-types loaded are:


2024-10-14 21:53:26.369 Avogadro2[70255:24499744] WARNING: Secure coding is automatically enabled for restorable state! However, not on all supported macOS versions of this application. Opt-in to secure coding explicitly by implementing NSApplicationDelegate.applicationSupportsSecureRestorableState:.

Setting default format to cjson

Open Babel formats ready: 146

OBProcess::executeObabel: Running “/Applications/Avogadro2.app/Contents/MacOS/obabel” “-icjson -ocjson --minimize --noh --log --crit 1e-06 --ff UFF --steps 2500 --rvdw 10 --rele 10 --freq 10”


*** Open Babel Error in LoadAllPlugins

Unable to find OpenBabel plugins. Try setting the BABEL_LIBDIR environment variable.


*** Open Babel Error in LoadAllPlugins

Unable to find OpenBabel plugins. Try setting the BABEL_LIBDIR environment variable.


*** Open Babel Error in LoadAllPlugins

Unable to find OpenBabel plugins. Try setting the BABEL_LIBDIR environment variable.


*** Open Babel Error in LoadAllPlugins

Unable to find OpenBabel plugins. Try setting the BABEL_LIBDIR environment variable.

Thanks for checking this!

1 Like

That’s the key problem. It should be setting this on launch so it can find the integrated Open Babel … but clearly that’s not working.

I’ll take a look tomorrow and see if I can sort that out.

1 Like

Could you take a look at this build?

There’s a link to a MacOS DMG:

I cannot open the downloaded app :frowning:

Never mind I changed the setting, and it worked!! It seems like all functions that require Open Babel now work. Thank you a lot!


Yeah, it’s unsigned, but you can still open it. Control-click to open it again, and you’ll have the option to open anyway.

Signed binaries can only be produced on GitHub once a change is accepted (e.g., the nightly binaries). This is a security thing – it prevents anyone else from having access to the official signing information.

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