On Sunday 02 May 2010 13:15:30 Konstantin Tokarev wrote:
В Sun, 2 May 2010 12:55:08 -0400
“Marcus D. Hanwell” marcus@cryos.org wrote:
I wanted to let you know that I set the final tag, made source
tarballs and uploaded them to Sourceforge.
Many thanks! I think we should roll releases more often, or people will
think we’re dead
I totally agree.
I have not yet made the
release announcements etc. Does someone want to volunteer to make the
Windows binaries? I assume Geoff will make the Mac binaries when he
has chance.
I can build (experimental) relocatable distribution-independent binaries
(32, 32+SSE2 and 664 bit) for Linux. But I didn’t solved all problems
with Python, so can’t include it yet (
Python has always been a tough one, I think the Mac build still lacks it.
What OB version? 2.2.3?
Latest stable, so that would be great (and what I have tested).
Earlier we discussed a possibility of patch-release 2.2.4. For example,
it would be nice to have PCGamess support (just one line of code added
by me too late)
Sounds reasonable, but I defer to Geoff in all matters OpenBabel related.
Konstantin - I applied some of the patches you suggested, but some
did not look safe, and due to all of the changes in master many did
not cleanly apply. I wanted to get something out now with at least
some fixes.
I believe you have more programming and project management experience
than me, so let you decide what is worth to include and what isn’t.
Also, I’m not a user of 1.0.x branch since it lacks many things I need.
That is fair enough. For 1.0 I would like to keep an emphasis on stability,
and avoid adding new features. I deleted KDE’s snapshot of Avogadro, and it
will be using system Avogadro in the next release. So they will be our first
big customer.
We can always make a 1.0.2 release if you wish to backport more of
the changes, but I would like to focus primarily on bug fixes and
keeping 1.0 stable.
I’m absolutely agree with you
I think it would be great to release 1.1 binaries
with some of the new features in too, I have had some issues building
what? Maybe it’s needed to merge my branch, there was some issue with
OpenGL headers
I was going to take a better look once the 1.0.1 release was done. I committed
one fix, as the link to the GL libs was still required.
, so there may be some stabilization and testing required. I
guess the bigger blocker would be getting an OpenBabel release.
Maybe trunk is fine too? It doesn’t seem to produce crashes
Making a release that depends on an unreleased dependency it not great. If we
just wanted to make binaries that contained our own snapshot of trunk that
could be a good compromise possibly.
Anyway, it is up. I am really busy this weekend, and and next week. I
need to get some other stuff to Geoff, and have a course to teach and
some work deadlines.
Good luck!
Thanks, I am somewhat around but behind on a few things I need to finalize.
Thanks for all your hard work too!
Best wishes,