Avogadro 0.6.0 Released!

The Avogadro project is proud to announce the availability of Avogadro
0.6.0, our third development release. As indicated in the jump in
version number from 0.6, the program is rapidly reaching a stable 1.0
release series.

Avogadro is an advanced, cross-platform molecular editor designed for
flexible use in computational chemistry, molecular modeling,
bioinformatics, materials science, and related areas. Packages are
available for Mac OSX, Windows and Linux, as well as open source
provided under the GNU GPL.

This release includes numerous enhancements and fixes from previous
Among the major improvements:

  • Support for display of molecular surfaces and orbitals from Gaussian
    “cube” files. More file formats will be supported in the future.
  • Enhanced rendering options: dynamic display of hydrogen bonds,
    protein “ribbons”, metal polygons, rings, etc.
  • Improved tools, including automatic addition of hydrogens while
    building and insertion of molecule fragments.
  • Significantly improved geometry optimization performance.
  • Full support for MMFF94 and UFF force fields.
  • New options for selecting chemical fragments, solvent molecules, etc.
  • New periodic table dialog.
  • Persistent window and tool settings.
  • Cartesian coordinate editor.
  • Properties editors for atoms, bonds…
  • Many, many more…

We hope you will contact the development team with any questions,
comments or concerns. In particular, if you would like to contribute,
or find out how to use Avogadro to fit your needs, we hope to hear
from you.

-The Avogadro Project


Release Notes: