April Status Update - Release Roadmaps, etc

This is a first-of-the-month comment, not so much an April Fool's one. I'm intending to send out discussions on 1 May, 1 June, 1 July, etc. for the rest of the year.

I'd like to make sure we get more releases out in 2018 and am willing to step up as a release manager for some of that. In particular, I'd like to see if we can target June 9th (Avogadro's birthday) and Oct. 23rd as release days (e.g., 2.0 will be released on 10/23).

It would be nice to release a 1.91 soon. There have been over 265 commits since Dec. 2016 when 1.90 was released.

I created a thread about a roadmap for 2.0 features/projects here:

In particular, I'm personally working to finish up the Python commands/workflows and auto-optimize force field support. This should be done by May 1st.

I'd like to know if others are willing to help - I have entered a pile of possible tasks into GitHub - many are "good first issues" and can be tackled fairly easily:

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