0.3 release

I think we’ve set an unofficial target of the end of the year for the
0.3 release of Avogadro. I think we’re in really good shape in terms
of new functionality, but we also have some bugs:


At last count, we have 28 open bugs (or actually 29, since I’m about
to file one). It would be good if each of us goes through the bug list
and decide:

  • If the bug still exists in SVN trunk. (I think some are fixed but we
    haven’t closed out the bug report.)
  • If the bug is high priority for fixing before 0.3 – in which case
    we should mark it as an appropriate priority level.

My suggestion is that if each person who submitted the bug does this
quick update (i.e., closing bugs which are currently fixed, and
deciding if it’s a low or high priority fix) we can get a reasonable
target of things to fix before the release.

Of course this goes for me too. :slight_smile:
