# log how to change a molecule's orienation Following a request to change a molecule's orienation in respect to outer coordinates, I identify the implementation [orient-molecule](https://github.com/smparker/orient-molecule) by Shane M. Parker worth a try. Implemented in Python2 but set up to work out of the box with contemporary Python 3.11.2. Depends on the standard library `math` as well as the non-standard `numpy` (version 1.24.2 appears to be compatible). License is GNU GPL v3. ## preparation by openbabel: With Debian 12/bookworm (Open Babel 3.1.1 -- Jan 4 2023 -- 09:58:24) ``` shell $ obabel -:"CCOCC" -h --gen3d -O diethylether.xyz ``` ## rotation with orient-molecule: With bash (5.2.15(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)) and Python (3.11.2) ``` shell python3 ./orient.py -rz 90 ./diethylether.xyz > rz90.xyz ``` ## processing in Jmol 16.1.7 (2023-03-08) I use Jmol 16.1.7 (2023-03-08) from sourceforge. From Jmol's console (File -> Console) ``` javascript load files "diethyether.xyz" "rz90.xyz" // (replace the file's name with the complete unique path, e.g. // ~/Desktop/diethylether.xyz) select 1.1; color red; // about the first model entry in the first data file select 2.1; color blue; // about the first model in the second data file // simultaneous display of both models model 0; // generation of a permanent record: write "example.png" ``` END