SGE integration

I have just discovered this application and am looking forwards to trying it
out in our lab.

I saw in the following post that tighter integration with various programs
such as Gaussian is in the works for the point release:

Would integration with a queuing system such as SGE be possible? Just the
ability to submit a job via qsub from Avogadro would be fantastic.

Thanks for all your work on this,

Jean-Francois Prieur
Research Assistant for Dr. Guillaume Lamoureux
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry,
Concordia University,
Montreal, QC, CANADA

Would integration with a queuing system such as SGE be possible?
Just the ability to submit a job via qsub from Avogadro would be

At the moment, this is a desire. However, I suspect we will try to
interest people in a separate project from Avogadro. (After all, there
are multiple queue systems: SGE, Torque, LGF, PBS, etc.)
