No, it’s not correct – the energy is also returned after an optimization. You can find it under Analysis > Properties > Molecular…
The pop-up doesn’t appear because usually the user isn’t interested in the energy so it would be annoying to have to click away the pop-up every time.
PosixPath('/opt/homebrew/bin/xtb') bin_path =PosixPath('/opt/homebrew/bin/xtb') PosixPath('../Cellar/xtb/6.7.1/bin/xtb') resolved =PosixPath('../Cellar/xtb/6.7.1/bin/xtb')
Where I previous had dots/ellipses in the log.log file they have no dissapeared when using the cellar path in the config.json file, e.g.:
easyxtb.calculate:254: Calculation will be run with the command: /opt/homebrew/Cellar/xtb/6.7.1/bin/xtb --gfn 2 -p 6 --opt normal -- /Users/martijn/Library/Application Support/easyxtb/calcs/last/
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Ok thanks, that confirms my suspicion. For whatever reason homebrew chooses to use relative paths in its symlinks and I hadn’t accounted for that eventuality.
These issues should all be resolved in the freshly minted 0.10.0 release. 
@ghutchis, would you mind doing the honours?