Not sure if it is applicable, but I got Paraview to work. Which it install its icon like this.
foreach (iconsize IN ITEMS 22x22 32x32 96x96 128x128)
FILES "pvIcon-${iconsize}.png"
DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR}/icons/hicolor/${iconsize}/apps"
RENAME paraview.png
COMPONENT runtime)
endforeach ()
I will try manually patching Avogadro and see if I can do it this way.
I ended up doing this to install icons for Flatpak.
/app dir is unique to Flatpak. I think it replaces /usr.
install -Dm644 avogadro/icons/avogadro2_64.png /app/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/avogadro2.png
- install -Dm644 avogadro/icons/avogadro2_128.png /app/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/avogadro2.png
- install -Dm644 avogadro/icons/avogadro2_256.png /app/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/avogadro2.png
- install -Dm644 avogadro/icons/avogadro2_512.png /app/share/icons/hicolor/512x512/apps/avogadro2.png
Do you know if VTK that Avogadro use can compile on ARM CPU?
Edit: I got it to build. Adding -DVTK_BUILD_COMPILE_TOOLS_ONLY:BOOL=ON solve it.
I also got it to build in Flathub now.
← kevinsmia1939:org.openchemistry.Avogadro2
opened 04:25PM - 31 Mar 21 UTC
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Can try install it with
flatpak install --user
Also, do you need protocall?
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Hi I could not compile protocall. Not sure why.
I got many kind of this error.
undefined reference to `google::protobuf::DescriptorPool::DescriptorPool()’