Avogadro v1 does not work on windows 10

Dear producer,

I cannot run avogadro v1 on windows 10/11. At first step, the error was “the code execution cannot proceed because msvcp100.dll was not found. reinstalling” I added msvcp100.dll into SysWOW64 because my arch is 64 bit. Now I take this error which is " The error is the application was unable to start correctly (0x000007b)" Avogadro 2 does is not useful software as same as version1. So I do not want to use version 2.

I hope you can help me.

Best wishes

Environment Information

Avogadro version: version for 32 bit
Operating system and version: windows 11, 64 bit

Expected Behavior

Actual Behavior

Steps to Reproduce

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I am not a Windows user, but you’re talking about Avogadro 1.2, which is 32-bit if I remember correctly.

That would mean that you want a 32-bit DLL.

As far as Avo2, it would help to know what you see as lacking…

Experiment a) Does Windows 11 (still) have a mode to run an application as 32bit program? Earlier releases (if I remember correctly, including Windows 8.1; so far did not use Windows 11) allowed to run these in a dedicated compatibility mode while the host run in 64bit.

Experiment b) If the computer you use posses enough RAM, maybe you can use a WSL interface and subsequently run avogadro 1 in a docker/container mentioned in the forum, or use an old Linux distribution including old Avogadro 1 (e.g., Xubuntu 18.04 LTS/bionic). It equally is possible to “burn” the Linux image on a USB thumb drive, then you can get familiar with this OS without permanent change to the hosting computer, or to install it side-by-side (double boot) to Windows, too.

Good luck.