Animation error

Animation gives error.

I believe this to be a bug with Avogadro

Environment Information

Avogadro version: 1.2.0
Operating system and version: MacOSx Catalina 10.15.5

Expected Behavior

Run animation

Actual Behavior

Gives error on number of atoms

Steps to Reproduce

This reduced file works

Coordinates from ORCA-job neb_im0
O -0.71757527640845 3.27255670342635 -0.21341428601752
H 0.09748542544738 2.73904818516935 -0.28600586316577
H -0.71623825806287 3.53201899242492 0.71824209379912
C -0.86071513205204 0.04811159261163 -0.07123897741138
Coordinates from ORCA-job neb_im1
O -0.03706251988087 2.92416166292318 0.30394640595799
H -0.09230814665986 2.78828670737963 -0.65771646009116
H 0.12162341614408 2.04743088878286 0.71604459776907
C -1.16373733969043 0.13174126043788 -0.13212530887677

This original file gives the error
Coordinates from ORCA-job neb_im0
O -0.71757527640845 3.27255670342635 -0.21341428601752
H 0.09748542544738 2.73904818516935 -0.28600586316577
H -0.71623825806287 3.53201899242492 0.71824209379912
C -0.86071513205204 0.04811159261163 -0.07123897741138
C 0.64645812348370 0.16179126897473 -0.05132329191457
H -1.23046583749470 -0.49437144060594 0.81320973256122
H -1.19925205538525 -0.50827293596051 -0.96002881274633
H -1.27434576664529 1.06436846515291 -0.09367428115930
O 1.23775890800209 1.21656573678054 -0.09021466192236
O 1.37487982611498 -0.97060390422094 0.01279763618429
C 0.76521315455830 -2.25258012460761 0.04781520234372
H 1.58543494763672 -2.98089656828969 0.09035324817016
H 0.16309685890962 -2.44641922263442 -0.85504328636026
H 0.12826508189582 -2.38131674822135 0.93852554763897
Coordinates from ORCA-job neb_im1
O -0.03706251988087 2.92416166292318 0.30394640595799
H -0.09230814665986 2.78828670737963 -0.65771646009116
H 0.12162341614408 2.04743088878286 0.71604459776907
C -1.16373733969043 0.13174126043788 -0.13212530887677
C 0.36129069505892 0.25968069411509 -0.12402381003792
H -1.58985471052441 -0.56501575626225 0.60175210385469
H -1.36296368053532 -0.22729661813282 -1.15099464826518
H -1.65623640512614 1.11182380485718 -0.03564062841375
O 0.94759039210569 1.00628886539064 -0.84028271309391
O 1.06278711389633 -0.60211726038840 0.65478892394815
C 0.87681574469013 -1.95524544229854 0.25102542194909
H 1.86704392299568 -2.42556451940834 0.22097128610697
H 0.44334357587397 -2.00910896314276 -0.76322658686505
H 0.22166794165221 -2.48506532425334 0.95548141605779

The only difference is the number of atoms was reduced from 14 to 4.

Please upload files if appropriate here (or via file-sharing service like Dropbox or Pastebin)

Steps to reproduce.
Double click on the file to open in Avagadro.
Go to Extensions/Annimation
Select Load file, select the same file

Load error is:
Trajectory file xxx disagrees on the number of atom s in the present molecule.

Repeat. Changed file (below) to 9 molecules
Works fine !

Coordinates from ORCA-job neb_im0
O -0.71757527640845 3.27255670342635 -0.21341428601752
H 0.09748542544738 2.73904818516935 -0.28600586316577
H -0.71623825806287 3.53201899242492 0.71824209379912
C -0.86071513205204 0.04811159261163 -0.07123897741138
C 0.64645812348370 0.16179126897473 -0.05132329191457
H -1.23046583749470 -0.49437144060594 0.81320973256122
H -1.19925205538525 -0.50827293596051 -0.96002881274633
H -1.27434576664529 1.06436846515291 -0.09367428115930
O 1.23775890800209 1.21656573678054 -0.09021466192236
Coordinates from ORCA-job neb_im1
O -0.03706251988087 2.92416166292318 0.30394640595799
H -0.09230814665986 2.78828670737963 -0.65771646009116
H 0.12162341614408 2.04743088878286 0.71604459776907
C -1.16373733969043 0.13174126043788 -0.13212530887677
C 0.36129069505892 0.25968069411509 -0.12402381003792
H -1.58985471052441 -0.56501575626225 0.60175210385469
H -1.36296368053532 -0.22729661813282 -1.15099464826518
H -1.65623640512614 1.11182380485718 -0.03564062841375
O 0.94759039210569 1.00628886539064 -0.84028271309391

Tried 10, no error, but does not run!

Coordinates from ORCA-job neb_im0
O -0.71757527640845 3.27255670342635 -0.21341428601752
H 0.09748542544738 2.73904818516935 -0.28600586316577
H -0.71623825806287 3.53201899242492 0.71824209379912
C -0.86071513205204 0.04811159261163 -0.07123897741138
C 0.64645812348370 0.16179126897473 -0.05132329191457
H -1.23046583749470 -0.49437144060594 0.81320973256122
H -1.19925205538525 -0.50827293596051 -0.96002881274633
H -1.27434576664529 1.06436846515291 -0.09367428115930
O 1.23775890800209 1.21656573678054 -0.09021466192236
O 1.37487982611498 -0.97060390422094 0.01279763618429
Coordinates from ORCA-job neb_im1
O -0.03706251988087 2.92416166292318 0.30394640595799
H -0.09230814665986 2.78828670737963 -0.65771646009116
H 0.12162341614408 2.04743088878286 0.71604459776907
C -1.16373733969043 0.13174126043788 -0.13212530887677
C 0.36129069505892 0.25968069411509 -0.12402381003792
H -1.58985471052441 -0.56501575626225 0.60175210385469
H -1.36296368053532 -0.22729661813282 -1.15099464826518
H -1.65623640512614 1.11182380485718 -0.03564062841375
O 0.94759039210569 1.00628886539064 -0.84028271309391
O 1.06278711389633 -0.60211726038840 0.65478892394815

Repeated from scratch.

Started with the above 14 element file. Fail
Tried 13. Fail
Tried 12. Fail
Tried 11. Fail
Tried 10. Fail
Tried 9. File works

Suggested solution: Check the code that reads the size of the molecule !

Note: This is the example molecular reaction from the FAccTS tutorial website.

" Finding transition states with NEB-TS

Suppose you wanted to predict the transition state (TS) for the hydrolysis of methyl-acetate into acetic acid and methanol:"